雅思口语备考Part 3语料积累:怎么记住要做的事情(8分 含音频)


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雅思口语备考Part 3语料积累:怎么记住要做的事情(8分 含音频)

雅思口语备考Part 3语料积累:怎么记住要做的事情(8分 含音频)

- IELTS Speaking Part 3 -


How do busy people remember things they need to do?

Oh, well, give me a second to think, um, well, I think one of the easiest ways, at least from what I know, is to keep a to-do list on their smartphone, as all smartphones these days have a Note function. These digital to-do lists are also connected with the calendar and alarm clock on the phone, and so it’s almost impossible to miss important appointments, urgent matters, errands and that type of thing. So I would imagine that’s the number one way.

  • to-do list
  • Note 笔记
  • errands 任务;事情

雅思口语备考Part 3语料积累:怎么记住要做的事情(8分 含音频)

Do you think people should remember their family history?

Yeah, I think so. It’s important actually because your family is where you come from. In a way, the ups and downs in their family serves as a reminder of the ups and downs in life.

Stories and the history of one’s family, and particular family members can also be a source of inspiration that can keep motivating us when facing challenges and difficulties in life, but I guess it can also equally be a source of sorrow, and perhaps for the unlucky few, even misery, but I do believe that every story, all history, personal and family, are all important.

  • the ups and downs 起落
  • inspiration 灵感;激励
  • motivate 激励
  • misery 痛苦;悲惨

雅思口语备考Part 3语料积累:怎么记住要做的事情(8分 含音频)

If someone doesn’t like whom they are going to meet, they may deliberately miss their appointments. Is that true?

Haha, yeah, I think it’s very true.

Most of the time, I’m sure most people are simply not motivated to meet someone they dislike. For example, if a girl is invited to have dinner with a blind date that she’s not interested in, or during the Spring Festival, kids are requested by their parents to pay a visit to their gossipy and bossy auntie…they may have to invent some excuse and skip it.

  • gossipy 八卦的;爱说闲话的
  • bossy 好指挥的
  • skip 不参加;跳过

Which is more important, a work-related appointment or an appointment with a friend?

Well, I kinda think that’s an unfair question. I mean, to miss a work-related appointment probably means a reduction of income, or has some intangible or some other tangible penalty, like reputation for example, whereas, with a friend, especially, or even, for a special occasion, then it isn’t nice to miss.

I’m sure just a casual meeting with a friend though is not as important as the work meeting, and I’m sure the friend would understand if you missed an appointment, as you can see them another time.

So in that context, I think a work-related appointment is more important because professional appointments and meetings are usually planned ahead of time, for instance, a week or a month, and for important meetings, six months before, and you simply cannot miss them. Appointments with friends are also important, but as I said, they are more flexible.

  • intangible 不透明的;隐性的
  • reputation 名声
  • casual 偶然的
  • professional 职业的
  • flexible 灵活的

雅思口语备考Part 3语料积累:怎么记住要做的事情(8分 含音频)

Is there anything that cannot be planned?

Sure, of course, deciding suddenly to go shopping, or deciding on going to a restaurant and such daily matters as these can surely happen without being planned, and then of course there are simply ‘life matters’ that can’t be planned, such as the people we accidentally or simply by chance meet, and then there are things like health condition, and death, and accidents, and of course, to be amazed or surprised or amused, emotions that can be stirred by fortuitous events.

Life is full of unpredictable events and that’s what makes it amazing and dynamic.

  • accidentally 偶然地
  • by chance 偶然
  • fortuitous 意外的;偶然的
  • unpredictable 不可预测的
  • dynamic 动态的;不断变化的

雅思口语备考Part 3语料积累:怎么记住要做的事情(8分 含音频)

What kind of things do people need to plan carefully?

Oh, I would have to say, number one, are things that can decide a person’s fate, success, and ultimately, and I guess hopefully, happiness; they have to be planned carefully and with preparation, otherwise there’s a good chance they’ll end in failure, for instance, planning for one’s education, planning with a life partner for their long-term future together, the direction of one’s career and the choices that have to be made, and things like strategies for making money and saving, investment plans.

If one is to make a big change as well, like moving house or moving to another place, then these things usually also need thorough planning.

  • preparation 准备
  • there's a good chance 很有可能
  • end in failure 以失败告终
  • strategies 战略;策略
  • moving house 搬家

雅思口语备考Part 3语料积累:怎么记住要做的事情(8分 含音频)


